Sunday 8 July 2012

Thursday 5 July 2012

What it takes to be an Elite Personal Trainer!

What it takes to be an Elite Personal Trainer!

What do you expect from such a trainer?  Post you views or comments on what you would expect from an Elite Personal Trainer?

Thursday 28 June 2012

What it takes to be an Elite Personal Trainer!

What it takes to be an Elite Personal Trainer!

Are you feeling demotivated by not getting the results you want?

Are you feeling demotivated by not getting the results you want?

"Struggling with training in circles? Are you relentlessly performing arbitrary exercises with little understanding and little development, over and over again? Feel like you have been training for eternity and not achieving the results you wanted?"
"If this sounds familiar, then you may be lacking the necessary knowledge to make a powerful difference in your workouts and daily routine. Working with an Elite Personal Trainer is the fastest and most effective way to learn the essentials of strength training, nutrition, weight management and healthy lifestyle development."
We are just a phone call away...
Call Now
084 280 1014
or email us

Thursday 14 June 2012

Elite Personal Training is a multifaceted service that provides clients with... 

1.  The Education
2.  Motivation
3.  Focused  Attention
4.  Dedication
5.  Commitment and Accountability 
6.  Passion
7.  Goals

...that everybody requires  in order to maintain a healthier and prolonged life.  Bottom line is...It should be a lifestyle and that's why we are here to help guide everyone on that path of Wellness. 

Struggling with training in circles? Are you relentlessly performing arbitrary exercises with little understanding and little development, over and over again? Feel like you have been training for eternity and not achieving the results you wanted?  If this sounds familiar, then you may be lacking the necessary knowledge to make a powerful difference in your workouts and daily routine. Working with an Elite Personal Trainer is the fastest and most effective way to learn the essentials of strength training, nutrition, weight management and healthy lifestyle development.

Anyone can benefit from the influence and motivation from an enthusiastic mentor; Elite Personal Trainers are mentors of Physical Fitness, Health and Nutrition. It is their purpose to help push you through your self-imposed limitations so that you can finish what you started? Strong!

Cutting Edge One-on-One Personal Training is...hands down...the only way to get the focused attention that you need to quickly and safely develop perfect exercise techniques in any training application with our unique Back-to-Basics training methods. And with all of the attention, you will be confident that you will be training in the most effective fat-burning intensities that are specific to you.

Think about many times have you promised yourself that you're going to workout today or my personal favorite - "I'll start on Monday?" Only to find the next day that you have, yet again, lied to yourself, and failed to get it done. Sound familiar? If your commitment to yourself is lacking, then let an Elite Personal Trainer help you! Personal Training will make you accountable by developing a relationship based on integrity, motivation, passion and a solid commitment to fulfilling your goals.


Have you ever noticed how healthy people have a certain glow about them?
Have you ever thought about where that glow comes from?  Really thought about it?
Sure, healthy eating and lifestyle choices play a part.  But the truth is that special glow emanates from within.  It is self-pride.  It is that sense of achievement, that sense of accomplishment when you look in the mirror and are awed by the results which YOU created.  Genuine pride is doing your best ... when no one else is watching!


There is nothing that inspires me more than helping people achieve their goals. I love watching as the glow takes root and begins to grow. I love seeing my clients shine!

Now that's what it takes to be at the top of your game!

It is about being at the top of your game. view our latest SPECIAL!!!

"Changing lives...ONE client at a time through our Back-to-Basics Training Modules." 

Saturday 9 June 2012

"I want to Transform my body"... "Help me lose weight"...
"I want a six pack"..."I am tired of not seeing results"..."I need to make a lifestyle change..."..."I have tried every diet possible..." 

Do you want to totally transform your body and lifestyle? 



The 7 DAY DETOX That Really 


is the solution you have been waiting for...

It is without a doubt the best solution to kick-start your Total Body Transformation to a NEW YOU!

The 7 DAY DETOX That Really Works  not only cleanses your body by ridding it of unwanted toxins but also shows your level of commitment and self-discipline.
Once you have successfully completed The 7 DAY DETOX That Really Works you can begin your customized nutritional guideline along with your work-out module specifically designed to meet the needs of your current lifestyle.

Douw de Leeuw - "Both my wife and I lost weight and centimeters while toning and building muscle. The nutritional guideline and work-out module that we were provided was effective and was changed as and when required."

Douw is just one of many totally transformed customers that has experienced the significant results of using The 7 DAY DETOX That Really Works in his Total Body Transformation package.  

Simone van der Westhuizen - "I found the detox extremely easy to follow, delicious colourfully food. Was fun and I definitely didn't starve or crave while I was on it. I would recommend it to anyone that wants to detox and feel better and lose a few of pounds in a just 7 days." 

We recognize that every individual is unique!
Your Total Body Transformation Kick-Start Package will be designed by one of our specialists and tailored to your specific goals and current lifestyle choices.

Ursula Fear - "I found the detox to be much easier than anticipated.  I was hardly hungry and thought I actually ate quite a lot.  I loved the variety of food and the fruit salad was amazing.   The only thing to remember is the planning, as it is the planning of your meals every day that will assist you in the success of losing weight. As I wanted to spoil myself with the type of fish I ate, I spent money on different types of salmon and that at times can be a bit costly.  None the less, the detox was a great success and I ended up losing 7.92 pounds over the 7 days in conjunction with the exercise 3 times a week.  I will certainly be doing the detox again!" 
Lisa Floyd - "I lost a total of 6.38 pounds. I am happy with that in 7 days."
          "You Control The Weight! Don't Let the Weight Control You!"